Oil Spill Response

Our highly trained response teams support our customers with premier tried-and-tested oil spill response services

Since its inception, OP has rapidly become a recognized force in pollution control in Oman and across the GCC region.

The outcome to any oil pollution response incident depends primarily on the way the situation is handled at the onset. A rapid well-structured response decreases the potential health threat and/or damage to the environment; otherwise, pollution incidents can rapidly develop into disasters and have the potential of occurring anytime and almost anywhere.

Our services are second to none; we have demonstrated our ability on several occasions by responding to actual spills of various sizes, both onshore and offshore.

Since 2008, OP responded to over 200 spill incidents of varying pollutant types, sizes and in various locations, including: ports and harbors, tourist beaches, oil and gas facilities, near-shore, onboard vessels, offshore sites, as well as underwater seabed cleaning.

The results of clean-up operations conducted by OP have been verified by the Ministry of Environment and Climate Affairs (Environment Authority), and on several occasions, such operations were conducted under technical review by regional and international organizations such as: MEMAC, IOPC Funds, and ITOPF.

One important feature of our response model is transparency; across all stages of response to an incident, we ensure that we only employ reasonable and effective response methods that are commensurate to the type and size of the spill, as well as the environmental and economic sensitivities of the resources at risk.

OP adopts the internationally recognized Incident Command System (ICS) not only during incident response, but also during normal operation mode, in order to eliminate the transition time to incident response. This means that our entire workforce operates in a state of emergency readiness, even during routine daily activities.

Our planning and field operations teams not only ensure strict implementation of the highest safety and environmental protection standards, but also ensure the safety and well-being of local communities affected by oil spill incidents, through working closely with the relevant authorities and stakeholders, and implementing the company’s various social responsibility initiatives.

Unparalleled Emergency Response Base Coverage within Oman

OP operates, mans and manages six Emergency Response Bases (ERBs) across Oman, all of which are strategically positioned to ensure that we are able to provide unparalleled response speed and geographical coverage to our customers. All ERB activities are coordinated through our Muscat Emergency Operations Centre (EOC).

Our ERBs are equipped with pre-assigned response equipment packages to deal with various spill scenarios, and are manned 24/7 throughout the year, by multidisciplinary teams comprised of: Base Managers, Response Supervisors, Team Leaders, Response Technicians, Equipment Mechanics, and Logistics Officers. A rotation plan for all ERB personnel ensures that all our personnel are familiar with the different operational circumstances across the entirety of the Omani coastline.

OP-ERBs are managed under an Integrated Quality, Environmental and Safety Management System, certified to ISO 9001, ISO 14001 , and OHSAS 18001.

Integrated Oil Spill Response Services

  • Emergency response to oil spill incidents (onshore/near-shore/offshore)
  • Tier-1 / Tier-2 oil spill response retainer services
  • Shoreline clean-up projects
  • Environmental protection during Ship-to-Ship Transfer Operations (STS)
  • Rental of dedicated oil spill response equipment packages (Tier-1 / Tier-2)
  • Oil spill response base management and incident management advisory services
  • Maintenance of customer-owned oil spill response equipment stockpiles

Emergency operations center (EOC)

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